Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day Poem in Japanese

A love poem in Japanese using the vocabulary learned in class.

わたしは みる かれ。
かれは きれです まいあさ と まいばん と まいにし。
かれは きれです。
わたし かれは すきです。 
まいにちは はる。
おおきい れんあい。 

Not quite what I was hoping to say...
Once we learn more verbs I will reattempt to write a love poem in Japanese.

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Korea, where I am from, and Japan celebrate Valentine's Day in a similar fashion. Only the females give chocolate on Valentine's Day in both countries. On White Day, which is on March 14th, males distribute chocolate in Japan while males give out candy in Korea. In my opinion, Korea made candy the staple present to give on White Day to grant candy manufacturers the opportunity to increase their revenue along with chocolate manufacturers. I was hoping to make heart-shaped macha cookies and bring them to class tomorrow, but it looks like it will have to wait until next week.


satoza said...

I like おせわになります part! You are so sweet...

I am looking forward to reading more poems :)

Unknown said...

I like your poem.
You are lucky to have 'きれい'なboyfriend!

In Japan on White day, males return candies, usually not chocolate, to the girls who gave them chocolate.

asai said...


I also like おせわになります part very much! きれいな かれと いっしょに いると、まいにちが はる、なんですね。うらやましいです!

Satomi said...

hi! I am happy to see your にほんごの「し」。so I was inspired with your blog and tried to write love letter in Korean...
but what I was able to do is just copying sentenses on textbook.

ジュリーさんは いっしょうけんめい がんばっているので、にほんごを はやく おぼえると おもいますよ。

Bryan said...

interesting. i wonder if any country besides japan and korea have white valentine's. taiwan doesn't for example.

villagejin_ian said...

いいですね。Your Japanese puts me to shame lol. I hope you finally bring those cookies...